Nourishing families

Home cooked, real food, just not in your home.
No mess, all delicious

Healthy by default

Our Mission

Nonna Gaby — cooking personalized, nourishing, home cooked foods delivered to your home. 
With our food, families can savor the joys of a shared meal without the hassle. We give you the gift of time, allowing you to live your busy life while still relishing in the pleasure of a delicious meal. With Nonna Gaby you can embrace the warmth and connection of family dinner, free from the burdens of meal preparation and stress.

Our Food philosophy

In Nonna Gaby's kitchen, simplicity reigns supreme. 
We believe in keeping food simple and clean, avoiding unnecessary complexity. This means that we never overcomplicate flavors or ingredients. We source organic and seasonal produce whenever possible, ensuring that each meal is not only delicious but also fresh. Join us in savoring the natural goodness of our cuisine, crafted with care and dedication to quality.

Get started

To begin, simply schedule a 15-minute phone consultation with Nonna Gaby. During this call, you'll discuss your family’s needs and preferences, allowing us to tailor the perfect plan.